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Latest News


Car Parking

Car parking passes will be issued the week of the 22nd July.

Please note car park passes for disabled will only be provided to DSA members.

There will be a small number of non booked disabled bays available for each game; but please either book a space for the season or contact the DSA as soon as possible


Countrymen Volenteering

Countrymens mission is to provide creative and innovative work related activities to all men of all ages, who are unable to access the countryside independently across Dorset and the UK.

Click HERE to open up their leaflet.



It is planned to have a social event very soon.

Details will be provided to the website and facebook page as soon as possible to enable you to have plenty of time to set aside the time.

It is the aim of the committee to have more functions over the coming years and any suggestions will be greatly received.


Merriott Craft Fair - Sunday 11th August

There is a craft fair at Merriott Village hall on the Sunday 11th August and half of the money raised for charity will be given to the DSA.

Thank you Tom and please try and attend if possible.

See facebook DSA group for further details

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